--- Drop MIDI (SMF) file Here or Open from 'SelectFile' menu. ---
- Only note on, note off, and program change events will be parsed.
- All melodic data must reside between MIDI channels 1 and 6, which will be mapped to FM channels 0 through 5 appropriately.
- Each of these channels must be monophonic.
- Any key on event must be followed by a key off event before another key on can be issued, including percussion.
- All program changes/instrument settings must be between 1 - 32, which will be mapped to the appropriate instrument.
- All drum data must reside on MIDI channels 9 or 10 and must be one of five notes corresponding to the five OPLL drum tones
- Bass Drum is C3 (note 36)
- Snare is D3 (note 38)
- Tom is G3 (note 43)
- Crash is C#4 (note 49)
- Hi Hat is F#3 (note 42)
- The input file must not be too big ("too big" is to be determined).